Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I woke up at around 3:30 but I went back to sleep. Woke up at 6:30.

One of the new people gave me a cigarette.

Next was coffee and breakfast. Breakfast was cream of wheat.

After breakfast I took my medications and I continued to work on my blanket.

Lunch was chicken turnovers.

After lunch there was a mile walk. Because of my knee I didn't walk but I did take pictures.

I'm still out of cigarettes so I continued to work on my blanket.

Some students came in today and the topic was hope. We took some pictures to help represent hope.

I got my medical card in the mail today.

I also have got to work on my creative writing topic because it is due today.

Dinner was sausage, mac and cheese and spinach.

One of the case workers had some bags of clothing and she let a few of us women go through them to see if there was anything there we wanted to keep. I found a good seven or eight tops. I pray that they will fit in my locker.

I'm still bummed that I don't have any cigarettes yet.

One of the women on staff brought in her flat iron and I was able to straighten my hair. Actually I did half my head when another female staff member wanted to do the rest of my hair because she was bored.

The writing class also met today and the next assignment is to write a description of yourself from the viewpoint of another person.

It's almost 9pm but I'm going to work on my blanket some more.

I went to bed at 10.

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