Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18,2013

Woke up around 5:30 in the morning. By the time I went to the bathroom and got myself together it was almost 6am. I went to the front, got some coffee and had a cigarette outside. Worked on blanket until breakfast which was cream of wheat.

Today was laundry day so I had to get ready for that. There was a shortage of staff for awhile but they managed quite well.

I got mail from the Social Security Office. There were form papers they wanted me to fill out and send back in 10 days.

Lunch was chicken turnovers, hamburgers and noodles. Big Daddy got some butter pecan ice cream and we had some before lunch.

I'm running out of cigarettes and since Big Daddy quit his job, I'll have to find cigarettes elsewhere.

I filled out the forms from the Social Security Office and a staff member was kind enough to fax it in.

Big Daddy bought some whiskey and three of us partook of it wutside in the rain. I came inside because I was just getting too wet!

I have to keep working on blanket because it's due tomorrow!

Dinner was shepherd pie.

I went to bed at 10.

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