Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013 / Easter Sunday

Since I got up at 5:30 in the morning I thought that I would be able to take a shower but I must have taken too long because one of the staff members said a line was forming.  I can't believe I took that long.  Well anyway, it bothered me because now I'm thinking about being more faster when I take a shower here.

I took the shower and had my coffee and cigarette.  One of the newer residents was arguing with one of the older residents and the newer resident was thrown out.

Breakfast was eggs and turkey bacon.

The church had brought by another breakfast consisting .of scrambled eggs, hash brown and a slice of watermelon.

Yet another church was going to have an Easter service here and a few residents attended.  It is now 1:20 in the afternoon.  There are cloudy skies and it looks as though it might rain.  Some chocolate cake was for a snack

Lunch was minestrone soup and sandwiches but I was full so I didn't have any lunch.  With every meal you're supposed to sign in.

I worked on my legal papers.  I had to write out a copy of my response so that I could file it and send a copy to the other side.  I want to fie it as soon as possible.

Dinner was chicken and some vegetables with stuffing.  It was absolutely delicious.

After dinner I finished my legal paperwork because I want to get it done as soon as possible.

I finally finished it and tucked the paperwork away because it has to be neatly presented when I file it.  I had to buy some envelopes because this place doesn't readily provide them and if you're wondering a set of envelopes cost me about $2

I also did my local quarterly taxes.  Its funny because no matter how bad things may be going in your life you still have to file taxes!  Now I need a $2 money order for that!

Went to bed at 9.

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