Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Up at 6:30 and went out to smoke a cigarette.  Damn it's cold outside!  But I wanted that cigarette so out in the cold I went.

Breakfast was turkey bacon and eggs and one of the residents talked me into going to a therapy group session.  When we got to the building there was a list of group therapy sessions to choose from and we chose the art therapy group session.  Actually I found out that I had to register to be able to take part in the therapy group sessions but they let me sit in as a guest for today.  The topic was mind, body and spirit and how we were feeling in relationship to those things.  For me my mind was on my legal case, my Prozack prescription, my cat and my house.  My body concerns were the pain in my knee, wanting to take a nap and coffee and cigarettes.  As far as my soul was concerned even though I was dealing with a lot of emotions, I could still feel my heart mending a little - meaning that I was slowly getting back to my goals and back to my life the way it was.

We were supposed to express our feeling with color and I hope to post a copy of it here.

I had a lot of fun at that session doing my artwork and watching the artwork of the others there.  I enjoyed it very much and I registered and signed up so that I can attend more of them.  I have learned since that they are confdential.

Back at the shelter once again.

The weather started to get more worse.  I missed lunch but I had half a hoagie left.  There' a small grocery store near the center and I was treated to lunch.

The weather got so bad that it looked like there was a storm going on!  There was rain and snow and sleet and hail yet we smokers had to have our cigarettes.

Time for bed.

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