Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2012

Today is laundry day.  Sheets and linen in the big hamper when you get out of bed.

Breakfast was grits and turkey bacon.

I took my Prozac after breakfast and had to get ready for my doctor's appointment and physical exam.

The van was ready at 8:30 and it took a couple of us to our appointments.

Since I was new to the system it took me some time to fill out the paperwork - it wanted information about my medical insurance coverage - and then I saw the doctor.  Actually first came the medical assistant then came the medical student intern who took my blood pressure.  My blood pressure was high - 190 over something.  The normal blood pressure reading is 120 over 80!  So, yes my blood pressure was very high.  I was hoping that it was because of stress because of the situation I was in.

The doctor came in, a very pleasant lady, and she examined me and asked me some medical questions.  She was concerned about my high blood pressure so she prescribed medication for that - now I'm taking three medications!

I told her about my knee and my back and she saw my swollen knee and told me to try and stay off of it until the swelling went down.  I see her again in a week.

I got a "tet" shot and they also took some blood.  I have to say that that process had improved in the last ten years since I have been to the doctor because getting that needle barely hurt - Thank God!

Back in the van and back to the shelter.  I made it in time for lunch - chicken fingers and lasagna.

It took a while to get my prescription but I got it after dinner.  Someone ordered out again and I was able to get some French Fries out of it.  A lot of people are hurting for cigarettes so there is a lot of "bumming" around for cigarettes going on.

The staff is kind of acting strange.  It's kind of like they are on some kind of sugar high.  They are so energetic and talkative - it's downright creepy (and spooky)!

I was just happy to go to bed!

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