Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Well it's official!  I have been here for exactly two months.  I didn't think that I would be here this long.  At least I know my cat is being taken care of.

I'm running out of cigarettes and I'm running out of money and I'm worried about my court case and getting my house back.  I still have a bad cough but I have a doctor's appointment on Monday.

Breakfast was turkey bacon and waffles.  I had a cup of coffee and a cigarette before then so I was feeling good.

One of the residents was arguing with one of the staff though I didn't catch what they were arguing about.SS

The woman's husband came back and she went outside to talk to him.  The next thing I know they are both inside sleeping on the couch - though not together.

Lunch was cheesesteak on two pieces of bread.

I did some crocheting and got kind of bored with it and then I went outside to smoke a cigarette.

Shift change.

I'm really getting kind of bored here.  It's a Saturday and some people are watching the college basketball games on TV and that's just not for me.  Normally at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon I would be at my computer with the radio playing soft jazzy music in the background.  Spring is slowly starting to come and I would be starting my garden about now.

I'm really betting bored here.  I want to take a time out from my legal paperwork though I'm feeling frustrated about it.  And I have a few other things that I can do.  I'm still feeling quite bored.  I have appointments next week so I'll be relatively busy then.  I was starting to think about my goals and my purpose in life.  I want my home back so badly but I keep getting hit by obstacles  after obstacles though I haven't entirely given up.  Apartments are so expensive and the rooms for rent are even worse.  I certainly don't want a room and if any thing I would have to get an apartment if I don't get my house back.  I don't feel like an inspiration to others right now.  Right now I'm feeling frustrated and bored.

On the bright side I do have my medical insurance and my prescriptions - with a $1 co-pay.  I have had my mental evaluation and have been diagnosed with major depression so I know what (else) is wrong with me.  I want my house back.  I want my cat back and I want my life back the way it was!
It was spinach, sweet potatoes and glazed ham.

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