Saturday, February 9, 2013

"I' Am Here Because.................."

Some of the people here have told me various stories of how they ended up here.  The most obvious reasons are those who were let go from their jobs or those who had lost their jobs completely.  So they couldn't pay their rent (or mortgage) and they were evicted from their homes.  One person even told me that they 'lived' in one of those public bathrooms for a short period of time.

A few people had been staying with friends or family but they had been thrown out by those friends and family and they then had no where else to go - but to a homeless shelter.

Then there were the stories that were just out and out heartwrenching.  For example the woman who had all of her money taken out of her bank account by her own daughter!  This woman was left virtually penniless (by her own daughter) and she now has to start her life over again!

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