Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 10,2013

Up at a little before 6 am.  I don't have anymore of my sleeping medication because I ran out of then and I can't pick up a refill until Friday.

Today will be a busy day for me because I have to go to the courthouse to file my response to the defendant's response.

Breakfast was waffles and I made sure that I had a second helping because I wanted to be full and not have an empty stomach.  No van service for me today.  I had to take the bus.

First of all I was carrying too much stuff in my bag and it made my bag heacy beyond belief.  Second of all the temperative was 77 degrees and I was overdressed.

I got through filing the papers alright although the clerk had trouble getting into my file and he needed a manager's override in order to get into my file.  I didn't want to know what that was about!

After I finished filing my court papers I then went downstairs to the law library to file my taxes - all three of them!  I had to file my local, state and federal taxes all in one day!  What a nightmare that was!  I won't go into detail but suffice it to say that I got them all done!

I was finished!  Now I could go back to the shelter!

It was so very hot today and I thank God that I had cigarettes.  Met two other residents riding on the same bus back to the shelter.  We had a good time talking on the bus and we got off at our stop and decided to sit down and rest for a while.  On our walk back to the shelter the van came by and took pity on us and gave us a lift back to the shelter.  Would it be odd to call the shelter home wouldn't it?  A lot of the residents have made jokes about it but can we really call it home?

I was just glad to get back to it!

Once inside I ate my hoadie and chips that I had bought on the way.

Still hot outside but I had my cigarette anyway.

I didn't eat dinner because I had my hoagie.  I didn't get back until a little after 4pm so I had missed lunch.

The rest of the day was pretty normal (and boring).

I went to bed at 9 because I was really, really tired.

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